Corporate Worship
Delivery of Personal Prophetic Words
Ministry Time
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (Varies)
Bradshaw Family Ranch3000 Bascome LaneCarmine, TX 78932
ORGANIZER : Abba's Heart Encounters (KK Chase)
PHONE: 713-396-3393
I First Name Last Name (enter name), hereby agree that by signing this document, I consent to waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue Abba's Heart Encounters, and if applicable, its ministry team members, retreat hosts, representatives, volunteers and facilitators from any physical, material, tangible or intangible, loss or damages that may happen to me during my participation in the Retreat. I will be voluntarily participating in the Retreat that will be conducted by Abba's Heart Encounters. The Retreat may include, but is not limited to, the "Retreat Activities" described above.The following is the identifying and contact information for me, the Guest ("Guest"):
This Retreat Waiver will bind and be enforceable against me and all my personal representatives. I agree that this Retreat Waiver should be enforceable to the fullest extent of the law, and if any portion is held invalid, the remainder should continue in full legal force and effect.I specifically acknowledge and agree that this document is not intended to be a general release, which would be limited under some state and local laws.This Retreat Waiver shall be construed and interpreted as broadly as possible in the applicable jurisdiction.ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I understand and am aware that my participation in the Retreat involves risks. These risks may lead to tangible or intangible harm, and I agree that they may result not only from my own actions but also from the actions of others. With the knowledge and understanding of these risks, I choose, of my own will and violation, to participate in the Retreat.I am also aware that there are risks that I may not have considered, yet I waive my right to any claims that may occur from these unconsidered risks and I choose, of my own will and violation, to participate in the Retreat.REPRESENTATION: I am over 18 (eighteen) years of age, and am emotionally, medically, and physically able to participate in the Retreat.I have read the above Retreat Waiver fully and I understand and agree to its contents. I understand and agree that by signing this Retreat Waiver I forfeit any right, claim, or ability to hold Abba's Heart Encounters responsible for any tangible or intangible damages, loss of property, or loss of life that may occur during or after my use of the facilities and participation in the Retreat.