Department of Finance and Investment Management
School of Management
College of Business and Economics
University of Johannesburg
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Rumbidzayi Taruvinga and I am a Master’s student at the Department of Finance and Investment Management at the University of Johannesburg. I am conducting a research study on “Technology Adoption in the Property Valuation Data Collection Process” as part of the requirements to fulfil my Master’s in Investment Management.
The objective of this study is to investigate how the adoption of technology in data collection in the valuation process may significantly improve valuation accuracy and help achieve credible valuations. The study will examine what technology is currently used, where, and how to improve the data collection process through technology adoption to ensure more reliable data and valuation credibility. The research has been approved by the University’s Ethics Committee. The benefit of the study is that it will assist to formulate strategies to successful adoption of innovative tools in the valuation process.
You have been identified because you are a Valuer, registered with the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession as a Candidate Valuer/Professional Associated Valuer/Professional Valuer. You are invited to participate in this study through a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire includes a series of questions designed to collect data from participants (valuers) concerning experience in using technologies during the data collection process in valuation, and views on possible drivers and barriers to the adoption of these technologies. It will take around 15–20 minutes to complete. A copy of research findings and/or journal publications will be made available to participants on request.
You, as the participant, are hereby notified of the following:
- Your participation in this study is voluntary. You will only be included in the study if you give written consent to do so.
- You must be below 65 years to participate in the study.
- You may, at your own discretion and without adverse consequences, choose to withdraw from participating in this study at any given time.
- You can decline to answer any questions without providing a reason or any consequences.
- Your role as a participant is to provide honest opinions.
- Some personal questions or identifying particulars are asked. These include demographic questions which will be used to analyse if there is any significant relationship between the valuer’s characteristics and the adoption of data collection technologies in the valuation process.
- The answers to personal questions will remain confidential.
- The questionnaire will be dealt with confidentially.
- The study will not prejudice you, whatsoever.
- Research findings will be reported without any identifiers. In other words, your personal details as a participant will not be published.
- You will not receive any gifts or incentives for participation in the study.
- There are no anticipated risks in the study, and you will not incur any costs if you agree to participate in the study.
- The original questionnaire will be stored in a secure space on the campus of the University of Johannesburg for a period of five years after which it will be destroyed.
- Electronic datasets will be completely anonymised and stored for at least a period of 5 years, on a password protected computer and/or flash drive and/or secure Cloud-based storage.
- Only the researchers involved in the project will have access to the raw data. Copy of research findings (research dissertation and journal publications) will be made available to participants upon request.
- The summarised dataset without the personal identifying particulars may possibly be utilised in future research and publication, and the same confidentiality will be applied in that instance.
- Participants will be required to acknowledge if they need permission from their employer to participate in the research and to provide evidence should this be applicable.
- The questionnaire will take between 15 - 20 minutes to complete.
If you have any concerns or questions related to the study in general, or the items in the questionnaire, please contact me and/or my research supervisors stated below.
Kind regards,
Researcher: Ms. Rumbidzayi N.M. Taruvinga
Signature: RNM Taruvinga
Supervisor: Prof C. Okoro;; 011 559 4926
Co-Supervisor: Ms. N. Hlekane;; 011 559 2202
I have been asked to participate in the above study. I have been informed about my involvement in the research, and what is required of me.
I understand that:
- My participation in the research study is voluntary.
- My answers will not be used if I do not provide written, informed consent.
- I may withdraw from the research at any time with no negative consequences for myself.
- I will answer all questions with honest opinions.
- The data will be analysed during which confidentiality will be maintained. The original completed questionnaires will be securely stored for five years, after which they will be destroyed.
- My answers will be kept confidential, and the anonymised data will be safely stored on password protected computers.
- The database/ reports or secondary data collected from the questionnaires may be used in this study and future research.
- The data and results may be used for journal publications and/or conference presentations.
- The raw data (completed questionnaire) will be stored in a secure location on the University of Johannesburg campus for a period of five years after which it will be destroyed.
- The anonymised data may also be used in related studies in future.
- Other researchers may have access to the summarised anonymous data, but my name will not appear on any of the data base that is sent to other researchers.
- I will not receive any reports on individual results, but I can request feedback on the overall findings of the study.
- I can contact the researchers, whose details have been provided above, if I have any uncertainties or concerns that relate to the study and/or the items in the questionnaire.
- I have received the contact details of the researchers on the participant information sheet.
- All my questions about the research have been answered and I agree that my responses from the questionnaires can be used for the research.
- I have read the above-mentioned information and agree to participate as per the above conditions. I understand everything and consent voluntarily to participate in this study.
- My signature below confirms that:
- I give the researcher permission to share the questionnaire for me to complete.
- I am below 65 years of age and can participate in the study.
Further, kindly confirm the following: