Volunteer Scheduling Preferences
Thank you for making it possible for us to give the children in our community this opportunity. We look forward to working with you! Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age and complete and sign all forms below.
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please list any medical information that may be important for us to be aware of: (If none, please state "none".)
Who should we contact in case of an emergency?
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to volunteer?
Emergency contact phone number:
Please enter a valid phone number.
I would enjoy volunteering for the following role(s) [Please check all that apply]
Sidewalker w/ a weekly Therapy Team NOTE: Must be able to walk on uneven surfaces for thirty minutes and commit to weekly attendance. (No previous experience is needed, but viewing the Training Webinar below is required)
Substitute for a Therapy Team member (No previous experience is needed, but viewing the Training Webinar below is required)
Horse Care (must have experience and approval from Spirit Ride - Year Round)
Barn Chores (NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED - Year Round)
Help with the annual fundraiser to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025
What days/times would you like to volunteer with us?
What else would you like us to know? i.e., Number of lessons you would like to do in a row, physical limitations, if there is a particular team you would like to work with, etc.
Volunteer Waiver
I have read and signed the Volunteer Waiver.
YES and have emailed a signed copy to SpiritRideNC@gmail.com
YES and will bring a paper copy in person on my first day of volunteering
No but will complete this ASAP. I understand that I may not volunteer without a signed copy on file.
Please view this video concerning safety and best practices at Spirit Ride prior to volunteering.
By signing below I agree to: keep all information concerning clients confidential, provide ample notice of any absences so that a substitute may be found, and review the Volunteer Training Webinar.
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