Career Exploration Speakers Bureau
Volunteer to be a Career Exploration Speaker at an AISD campus during the 2024-2025 school year!
First & Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Available Speaker Opportunities
Please complete the information below
Please select all industries you are confident speaking on behalf of
Agriculture: Food & Natural Resources and Floral Design
Architecture and Construction
Arts, A/V Technology, Communications, and Video Game Design
Business Management and Administration
Education & Training
Government & Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Travel & Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology and Computer Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Marketing, Sales & Service
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Please share your short bio
What is your availability?
Half-Day AM
Half-Day PM
Mornings ONLY
Afternoons ONLY
1-Hour Increments ONLY
If you have specific campuses you'd like to volunteer at, please select each campus from the list below. If you have a preference of the age group you speak to, please select "Elementary, Jr. High or High school". If you have zero preferences, please select "ANY CAMPUS".
Junior High
High School
Adams Elem
Amos Elem
Anderson Elem
Ashworth Elem
Atherton Elem
Bebensee Elem
Beckham Elem
Berry Elem
Blanton Elem
Bryant Elem
Burgin Elem
Butler Elem
Corey Academy
Crouch Elem
Crow Academy
Ditto Elem
Duff Elem
Dunn Elem
Ellis Elem
Farrell Elem
Fitzgerald Elem
Foster Elem
Goodman Elem
Hale Elem
Hill Elem
Johns Academy
Jones Academy
Key Elem
Larson Elem
Little Elem
McNutt Elem
Miller Elem
Moore Elem
Morton Elem
Patrick Elem
Peach Elem
Pearcy Academy
Pope Elem
Rankin Elem
Remynse Elem
Sherrod Elem
Short Elem
South Davis Elem
Spear Elem
Starrett Elem
Swift Elem
Thorton Elem
Webb Elem
West Elem
Williams Elem
Wimbish WLA
Wood Elem
Bailey JH
Barnett JH
Boles JH
Carter JH
Gunn JH
Nichols JH
Ousley JH
Shackelford JH
Workman JH
Young JH
Arlington HS
Arlington Collegiate HS
Arlington College & Career HS
Bowie HS
Lamar HS
Martin HS
Sam Houston HS
Seguin HS
Dan Dipert CTC
How much notice do you require in order to participate (ex: 1 day, 1 week or more)?
Would you like to have A/V available to use during your presentation?
Would you like to bring swag for the students? (please NO candy)
Below is a list of dates & times where a campus has requested career exploration speakers. Please select dates you are able to commit to by adding clicking on them and they will appear in the box on the right. (2024-2025 DATES COMMING SOON!)
Should be Empty: