Please read carefully before signing. This document includes a release of liability and waiver of certain legal rights.
Participation in any indoor or outdoor artistic roller skating practices, classes performances or events with Mile High Artistic Skating Club, Mile High Skating Academy, or any affiliated coaches, staff, employees, or personnel, requires achknowledment and agreement to the following:
- The purpose of this waiver is to release Mile High Artistic Skating Club, Mile High Artistic Skating Academy, and any affiliated coaching staff, employees, personnel, and insurers from liability if I or my child are injured or suffer damages of any kind while participating in any artistic roller skating activities (practices, performances, or events) hosted by Mile High Artistic Skating Club, Mile High Artistic Skating Academy, or any affiliated coaching staff, employees, or personnel. This waiver applies to today and any future participation.
- Ther is a risk of serious bodily injury, illness, and death from artistic roller skating, including, but not limited to, falls, encountering foreign objects, such as rocks, candy, small toys, buttons, beads, rhinestones, gravel, food, vegitation, as well as encounters with motorists, pedestrians, other skaters and bicyclists. Practices may be hosted in many different locations, indoor or outdoor, on many different surfaces, including: cement, wood, partical board, blacktop, pavement, or other uneven surfaces, increasing the risk of injury or death. There is also a risk of skating equipment failure or malfunction.
- I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of others, and assume full responsibility for my participation.
- I understand that in case of emergency, I hereby authorize any licensed medical personnel to perform any accepted medical assistance deemed necessary and I agree to bear the expense of any such treatment.
- I agree that my attendance and/or performance at any practices, performances, or events and such may be photographed, filmed and/or taped and used by the Mile High Artistic Skating Club or Mile High Artistic Skating Academy for marketing purposes and I authorize the use of my image and I waive any compensation thereof— even if I discontinue my training with Mile High Artistic Skating Club or Mile High Artistic Skating Academy.
- I acknowledge and I agree to receive correspondence from the Mile High Artistic Skating Club, Mile High Artistic Skating Academy, and any registered club/Academy officials via email, telephone, text, mail, facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform.
- I, the undersigned, being duly aware of the risks and hazards inherent upon participating in artistic roller skating agree to all its rules, terms, and conditions. I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Mile High Artistic Skating Club/Mile High Artistic Skating Academy rules, have read them, understand them, and agree to honor and obey them. I understand that disobeying the rules may, at the Mile High Artistic Skating Club President's discretion, result in suspension or expulsion from the Mile High Artsitic Skating Club and Mile High Artistic Skating Academy and that I will not be entitled to a refund and if expelled must pay the remainder of my contract if one has been signed.
- I, for myself or on behalf of my minor child, and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and next of kin, release and hold harmless Mile High Artistic Skating Club, Mile High Artistic Skating Academy, and any affiliated coaching staff, employees, agents, insurers, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners or lessors of Mile High Artistic Skating Club or Mile High Artistic Skating Academy (collectively, "Releasees"), with respect to any and all injury, disability, illness, death or loss or damade to person or property, whether arising from the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
In signing the foregoing release, the undersigned hereby acknowledges and represents that he/she has read this release, fully understand its terms, fully understand that he/she has given up substantial rights by signing it, is over 18 years of age, is of sound mind, and sign it freely and voluntarily. If under 18, parent/legal guardian in signing this release agrees to all its terms and conditions.