If you're under 16, you will need a parent or carer to provide your medical information and emergency contact details and sign the form.
If you're attending Chomp, you can answer these questions just for yourself or for your whole family, and provide more details in the last question
If you're signing someone else up to attend Rock Farm, you will need to fill these questions in with them
Please now Click here to open the short Rock Farm feedback form in a new tab.
But before completing the newly opened form, please make sure you finalise below by clicking next and submit.
Please make sure you finalise this form by clicking next and submit below.
You may also be sent a separate Pro Barista session feedback form, where you can tell us what you have liked or what you would like to improve.
Please now Click Here to open the One Youth feedback form in a new tab.
You may also be sent a separate Chomp feedback form after a Chomp session, where you can tell us what you have liked or what you would like to improve.