By signing above, I agree to abide by Kumar Cherla Inc. ("Kumar's Golf School") general rules and policies, as may be published or posted from time to time, as well as all federal, state and local laws. As a condition of buy participating provincial camp, the participant agrees to waive and release Kumar's Golf School its employees, agents, officers, directors, successors, and assigns from all claims, costs, liabilities, expenses, or judgments, including attorneys' fees and court costs (collectively "Claims"), arising from participants use of the golf courses and any related facilities, and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Kumar's Golf School from and against any and all such Claims. Golf can be a dangerous sport and you assume all risks involved with playing golf. Golf coaching involves some physical contact between coach and student. This may involve arms, legs, torso, or head contact by the coach to demonstrate the proper movement and muscle feel. I release Kumars Golf School, its staff, or agents in connection with any liability involving the above. I give Kumar's Golf School the right and permission to publish or post, for art, advertising, trade, business, or any other lawful purpose whatsoever, my name, photograph and/or likeness. I release any liability in connection with the publication of any photograph or information pertaining to a member or member's family members or guests.