• I give my child permission to participate fully at The Belle Theatre, Inc. I recognize this includes, but is not limited to, certain physical activities, which may pose some risk of injury. I further understand and agree that The Belle Theatre, Inc. is not an insurer nor is responsible for any costs incurred by me or my child arising from activities conducted within the scope of this program.
• I indemnify and hold harmless the The Belle Theatre, Inc., any of its employees, officers, board members, sponsors, partner organizations, contractors, and/or agents from all claims from my use of The Belle Theatre property or participation in any programs. I will further indemnify and hold harmless The Belle Theatre, Inc., its employees, officers, board members, sponsors, partner organizations, contractors, and/or agents, and other associated parties from all costs, expenses and liabilities resulting from any claim brought from my child(ren)’s use of The Belle Theatre’s property and/or participation in The Belle Theatre programs to the extent of The Belle Theatre’s liability under general law.
• The emergency contacts listed are authorized to make emergency decisions on my behalf if I cannot be reached. In the event that no one can be reached, I authorize The Belle Theatre, Inc. to arrange any necessary emergency medical treatment.
• In the event reasonable attempts to contact me have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for: (1) the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by the appropriate medical professional; and (2) the transfer of the child to any hospital reasonably accessible.
• I understand that ONLY persons on the “Authorized Person(s)” list will be allowed to pick up my child and that they and I will be required to present photo identification each day before my child is released.
• I understand that photographs and videos may be taken of my child during the course of this camp and I give The Belle Theatre, Inc. permission to use these photographs and videos for publicity purposes. I hereby release and hold harmless said companies from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality associated with the images and/or videos specified. All images and/or videos will be stored on company devices and profiles.
• I have read and fully understand the above information, warning of risk, and assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and am voluntarily signing below without any inducement.