Grading System:
For each question, give yourself a score of 5 for "a", 4 for "b", 3 for "c", 2 for "d", and 1 for "e". Add up your scores to get your final result.
25-21: Congratulations! You are living true to yourself and prioritizing your own well-being. Keep up the good work and continue to prioritize your own needs and values.
20-16: You are on the right track but there is still room for improvement. Consider setting more boundaries, expressing yourself more fully, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
15-11: You are somewhat in touch with yourself, but there are areas where you can improve. You may need to work on setting clearer boundaries and expressing your needs and values more assertively.
10-6: You have some work to do when it comes to living true to yourself. You may be prioritizing the needs of others over your own and struggling to express your true self. Consider seeking support to help you identify and overcome any obstacles in your path.
5-1: You are not living true to yourself, and you may be feeling unfulfilled or disconnected from your authentic self. It's important to prioritize your own well-being and work on expressing yourself more fully to achieve greater personal growth and satisfaction. Consider seeking support or guidance if you're feeling stuck