We loved putting the Festival Programme together and it is only because of the enthusiasm and goodwill of all those organisers of events that this was possible. We would greatly appreciate you giving just 5 minutes to letting us know what you enjoyed, what you think could have gone better, and what you would like featured in any future Festival events.
What events did you take part in (name all, if possible or just give a total!):
What was the furthest you travelled to take part in an event?
Did you take part in any of the online bioblitzes?
Which part of the Festival did you enjoy the most? Why?
Was there any part of the Festival you enjoyed the least? Why?
Please sum up your Festival experience in a few words:
On a score of 1-5 where 5 is strongly agree (and 1 is strongly disagree) please tick the most relevant section on the following statements:
Strongly agree
By being part of the Festival I (or my family) found out lots about biodiversity
and nature conservation
My children had the opportunity to discover lots of new
things, as well as potential new skills
The festival added to a sense of general well-being
during the month
I discovered new ways of volunteering or contributing
towards biodiversity in the future
The festival encouraged the sharing of ideas and
knowledge in an easy and informal way.
The Festival brought people together
We enjoyed being part of the Festival
How do you think that the Festival could be improved?
A few questions about yourself: Which of the following age brackets do you fall in (tick)?
Under 18
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 65
How many people in your group/family took part in the Festival (including yourself): Adults
Children (Under 18)
Adults 66+
If you would like us to get back to you, please leave your email address (otherwise this form is completely anonymous): please note we do not share any private details:
Thank you very much indeed for your feedback!
Should be Empty: