1) There is a predetermined Accountability Circle composed of:
a) 3 people, with a 4th alternate, &
b) 1 "non-voting" facilitator.
c) Voting members and the facilitator of the Accountability Circle are people with the life experience of being targeted by structural oppression, e.g. white supremacy, indigenous genocide, religious fundamentalism, ableism/ageism/classism, and/or cis-hetero-patriarchy. This experience is generally viewed as vital to structural accountability within organizations.
d) The facilitator needs to be experienced in mediation, restorative justice, and consensus-oriented meeting facilitation.
2) The Accountability Circle is tasked with crafting a unanimous decision (consensus) concerning a reported incident; weighing the importance of community cohesion with an individual's civil rights.
3) An Accountability Circle process would be as follows:
a) An incident is reported through a link on the ATL Fringe website's "Contact" page that will open a form in Jotforms. Upon receipt, the facilitator will contact the members of the Accountability Circle and the AFF executive director. If a member of the Accountability Circle, the AFF executive director, or the AFF board chairperson are directly in the incident, they shall be recused.
b) If illegal acts are alleged, appropriate outside authorities are contacted by the ATL Fringe executive director or board chairperson.
c) All parties involved, including witnesses, are contacted and asked to write and submit their experience of what happened.
d) The Accountability Circle meets (online or in person) as soon as possible and crafts consensus around an actionable decision, e.g. dismissal from the festival, restorative justice, trauma-informed boundaries, content warnings for subsequent performances, recommendations for restorative justice, etc.
e) The Accountability Circle will not disclose details of the meeting or case, and will seek to ensure the confidentiality of the person reporting the incident and other parties involved.
e) The facilitator contacts all parties involved with the decision.The decision is binding as per the Performance Waiver's Accountability Section. There is no option for appeal.
f) The facilitator submits meeting notes to the ATL Fringe Festival Board of Directors. These notes are internal and must be kept confidential.
g) The privacy of people targeted with incidents involving violence, especially sexual violence, must be paramount.