Thank you for taking an interest in being involved in our Wild Lacrosse organization. We are making plans for the spring 2025 season and are looking for many hands to keep our organization moving forward. Please complete the form below to let us know how you would like to be involved:
* Wild Boosters--This group will help make and carry-out short and long-term goals for the organization by helping advise, brainstorm and carry-out various functions. Members may assume various roles within the Wild that may include: fundraising coordinator, girls coordinator, boys coordinator, equipment manager, field manager, social media/publicity coordinator, event coordinator. Ideally, this Boosters group will be made up of 10-15 representatives from across our organization and may include high school players. This group will be chosen by interest or invitation by July 1 and interest should be submitted by June 20. Additional information regarding individual contributions and interest may be requested to help create a well-rounded advisory group.
* Coach--It goes without saying that all teams need coaches. Whether new to the sport or new to lacrosse, there is room for everyone to be involved coaching as either a head or an assistant coach.
* Team Parent--Every team needs that someone to help the coaches liaison with the parents, coordinate volunteers needed for games &/or coordinate the social aspects of the games (snacks, team lunches, etc)
* Volunteer--Many hands make for light work! We need everyone and anyone to lend a hand in many different ways! If you have a special skill or talent you can offer or you are great at just being available when/where needed, and everything in between, we can use you!