Code of Conduct: Students & Parents/Guardians/Caregivers
Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they shall demonstrate respect for themselves, for others, and the environment including the responsibilities of citizenship by:
- coming to the LiftED program prepared, on time, and ready to learn
- showing respect for themselves, for others, and for staff & volunteers
- not bringing anything to LiftED programs that may compromise the safety of others (including toys).
- following the established rules and taking responsibility for their own actions
- showing respect for school property and the property of others
Parents/guardians play an important role in the well being of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of LiftED program staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.
Parents/Guardians/Caregivers fulfill their role by:
- showing an active interest in their child’s school work and progress
- showing respect for all
- ensuring that their child attends the LiftED program regularly and on time
- promptly reporting their child’s absence or late arrival
- encouraging and assisting their child in following the rules
- Assisting LiftED program staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child
Progressive discipline utilizes incremental interventions to address inappropriate behaviours with the goals of teaching positive social-emotional behaviours and learn from mistakes. It is essential to help students who have engaged in unacceptable behaviour to understand why the behaviour is unacceptable and what they could have done differently. Furthermore, it gives students the opportunity to change their behaviour.
A teacher/instructor must first use a variety of actions to correct the behaviour (Please note that they are not in sequential order as teachers/instructors should utilize their discretion. Also, teachers should use strategies beyond this list.):
- Nonverbal means of correcting behaviour (e.g. proximity, eye contact)
- Verbal warning/means of correcting behaviour
- Code of conduct review with student (What was refractory)/discussion followed by Parent/Guardian/Caregiver contact by phone or email by Site Director
- Behavioural reflection followed by a discussion and Parent/Guardian/Caregiver signature
- Teacher and student conference with the Site Director
- Behavioural contract/restoration circle
- Removal/withdrawal of privileges, or community service, owed time, etc. (with parent permission)
- Parent/Guardian/Caregiver conference
Prior to a discussion about student dismissal, the teacher/instructor must have exhausted interventions when dealing with the student’s behaviour. If a student is in jeopardy of being recommended for dismissal, please immediately notify the Program Director. Additionally, there should be communication between the staff and parent/guardian. Note: The student reflections may be completed independently or orally. Staff may also access other resources, including behaviour contracts and small incentive programs, for students that need further reinforcement of positive behaviours.
Possible suspension and/or removal from program
Should an incident occur where there is a legal component to it, the above steps may not always apply. Following the use of progressive discipline, should the inappropriate behaviour persist, this may result in suspension or removal from the program. If a student is dismissed from a LiftED program, their school principal will also be notified.
Safe Dismissal
Children in SK to grade 3 must be picked up by a parent/guardian or designated adult.
During dismissal, always ensure that a child is being picked up by the parent/guardian listed on the registration form.
Site Directors must have in writing if a child is being picked up by someone else and may check for ID, if needed.