Thank you for your interest in being a chaperone for ESYO Symphony Orchestra's Tour in 2025. If you would like to be considered to be a chaperone, please fill out this form by August 1, 2024. The selection process will be based on tour group size, chaperone experience, and specific tour needs. The cost to attend the tour as a chaperone is $4,000.
Expectations of a Chaperone
- Responsible for a group of 8 – 10 musicians when they are not in rehearsal or concert;
- Responsible for knowing where musicians need to be and having them there on time;
- Knowing where your assigned musicians are at all times;
- Being familiar with any health, physical, emotional, etc. concerns for each person in assigned group;
- Being familiar with the Code of Conduct Agreement and being consistent in following it;
- Being available to fulfill any need that may be assigned (help at concerts, care of musicians who may need to remain at the hotel, etc.);
- Reporting concerns or problems to the head chaperone;
- Being a presence in halls and gathering places until curfew;
- Doing bed/rooms checks each night and wake-up visits in the morning;
- Accompanying musicians on independent sight-seeing excursions during the musicians’ free time;
- Being a substitute parent and friend.
We plan on having opportunities for each chaperone to meet with the musicians who you will be responsible for. Our “just chaperones” meeting will probably be at the beginning of April. This will be followed by a meeting in June which will include the musicians. The actual dates are to be determined.
The price for chaperones is $ $4,000 inclusive of flights and accommodations. Not included in this price: lunches, spending money, individual trip insurance fees. This is $800 less than the musicians.
Payment plans for chaperones:
Pay in one payment: $4,000
10 month payment plan:
8/15/24 - 5/15/25
Must contact Lisa Stulmaker with credit card or checking account information
Individual plan contact Lisa Stulmaker at
Refund Policy:
Cancellation before 10/24 - Amount paid less $500
Cancellation between 10/25 - 12/19 - Amount paid less $1,500
Cancellation between 12/20 - 2/27 - Amount paid less $3,300
Cancellation on or after 2/28 - No refund
Chaperones walk the fine line of making this a very enjoyable and educational trip for our Symphony Orchestra members yet making sure our musicians follow the rules they agreed to so they have a safe trip.