Location: MOWA Choctaw Gymnasium 1080 Red Fox Road Mt. Vernon, AL
Grades: Rising 2nd - 6th graders
Time: 8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Lunch 12:00 - 12:30
All students must be picked up by 12:45
All Students must be pre-registered on a first come first serve basis. The completed registration packet must be on file no later than June 17, 2024, SO we can plan for the summer camp.
Basic Daily Schedule and Routines:
Camp participants will be involved in language, sports, crafts, and a variety of other cultural activities.
Packets may be picked up at the tribal office or may be accessed at our website at www.mowachoctawindians.com
Please contact the tribal office at 251-829-9023 for any questions you may have regarding the MOWA Choctaw Cultural Camp.