Terms and Conditions
- This quote is not a confirmation of your order.
- Pricing includes software maintenance and upgrades
- Pricing excludes VAT/ Custom taxes when shipped overseas from Singapore
- Currency:SGD
- Taxes: excluded from above, will be billed when invoiced
- Quote Validity: 30 days from date of submission
- Contract Term: Min 12 months and min 30 day cancellation notice for a unique C9 user subscription
- Payment Terms: Due upon receipt
- Cancellation: Cancellation of a signed purchase order is subjected to minimum 30% cancellation charge of Total Contracted Value if order is cancelled after processing.
- Customer to provide:
* PC/Laptop Minimum specifications: Windows 7 or 10, Processor i5 or i7, RAM 8GB)
* Connectivity to Cloud9 AWS, hardware communication devices (if not purchased from Cloud9) * Cloud dial tone feature requires a phone carrier or PBX system to be connected to Cloud9 via SIP
This Order is governed by the applicable Master Service Agreement signed by Cloud9 Technologies LLC and Customer.