Thank you so much for taking your time (approximately 15 minutes) to give The Butterfly Project (TBP) feedback about the Education Team presentation. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you, and we want to ensure we are doing the very best to meet the needs of your students. Your feedback will help us continually improve the teaching and learning by TBP. As you complete the survey, keep the following in mind:
We want you to give us your honest feedback. If you would like to have someone from The Butterfly Project contact you about your feedback, please indicate so at the end of the form.
Your results will never be used as stand-alone feedback.
Data from this survey will be used in two ways. It will help us to refine our educational programming and will also provide metrics to use in our ongoing fundraising efforts to sustain The Butterfly Project into the future.
Thank you again for taking the time to help The Butterfly Project.