The #BlackBabiesDoSwimPGH initiative was created to combat the stigma that black kids do not swim or don't know how to swim. In 2014, the CDC found that an 11-year-old black child is 10 times more likely to drown than a white child the same age. The notion that "black people can't swim” may sound like a stereotype, but it's a real disparity and it's rooted in a history of discriminatory access to swimming pools. Throughout history blacks were denied access to pools with clean water, attacked at segregated pools and unable to join local swim teams/lessons or compete in Olympic swim events.
In 2017, USA Swimming, the governing body for the sport of swimming in the U.S., found that:
64% of African American children do not know how to swim (compared to 40% of Caucasian children).
79% of children in families that earn less than $50,000 a year do not know how to swim.
76% of parents report that their children would be more interested in taking up swimming if they saw a talented swimmer that looked like them.
Let's Work on changing these statistics!
Please note that by completing this enrollment form and enrolling your child in the #BlackBabiesDoSwim initiative that you release all liability from Melanin Mommies Inc and acknowledge that our role only serves as coordinator of swim events.
You also confirm that you are aware that mask cannot be worn in the pool area and release Melanin Mommies Inc from all liability in regard to the contraction, spread, or exposure to Covid 19 and any additional illnesses or injuries.
Lessons are held at the Thelma Lovette YMCA in the Hill District!