Self-Help Request
First Name
Last Name
Last 4 of your SSN
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
County you live in
Have you ever filed bankruptcy?
Have you viewed the Bankruptcy Basics videos?
If you have already filed bankruptcy, are you facing a motion to dismiss your case or something similar?
If you answered yes above, provide your case number and if no, are you being sued has a car repossessed or facing a sheriff sale? Describe.
Have you previously consulted an attorney?
If yes, how many times have you seen the attorney?
If yes, when was the last time you saw the attorney?
If yes, have you given the attorney any money?
If yes, are you still consulting the attorney?
Rules, Policies, Disclaimers
We recommend that you watch the bankruptcy education videos, which will take approximately thirty minutes to view.
The lawyers who participate in the United States Bankruptcy Court’s Self-Help Center are volunteers offering limited pro bono consultations to individuals who use the Bankruptcy Court’s Self-Help Center. The volunteer lawyers provide independent legal advice and are not representatives of, or affiliated with, the Bankruptcy Court.
The documents and information provided by the Self-Help Center and the volunteer lawyers are designed to help individuals with basic Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 questions. The volunteer lawyers will help explain the bankruptcy process, review simple bankruptcy documents, and explain the various people or entities involved in the process at no cost. The information provided is general in nature. Cases under Chapters 11 or 12 or complicated legal matters pertaining to any chapter of bankruptcy that require more time and assistance than can be provided through a Self-Help Center consultation should be handled in a separate consultation with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer.
By participating in the Self Help Program, you are not agreeing to retain any individual attorney and the attorney is not agreeing to represent you.
You further acknowledge that the volunteer lawyer from the Self-Help Center has not performed a conflict search on your name. If you are aware, or become aware, of any potential conflicts at the time of your meeting with these volunteers, it is your obligation to inform them of the potential conflict at that time.
The United States Bankruptcy Court does not supervise or monitor the volunteer lawyers. The information you receive cannot replace individual attorney representation and is only intended to assist individuals in gathering information about the bankruptcy process.
Finally, you understand that the United States Bankruptcy Court does not offer or provide legal advice.
I acknowledge the Rules, Policies, and Disclaimers Above
Enter your initials
Please verify that you are human
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