Advanced Foot and Ankle Center
Eric Silvers, DPM, FACFAS, Christopher Witt, DPM, FACFAS, Melissa Sgro, DPM 5531 Virginia Parkway, Suite 100, McKinney, Texas 75071 301 N. Preston Rd, Suite A, Prosper, Texas 75078 Ph: 972.542.2155 Fax: 972.542.1688
Read the following pages CAREFULLY, SIGN and DATE each page
1. Authorization to Release Medical Information: I authorize release of medical information necessary to process the insurance claim(s) and permit the following to be used in place of this original document for all federal, state, commercial, compensation, or liability insurance claims: 1.A photocopy or other facsimile reproduction of this authorization, or 2.Use of a computer to indicate my signature is on file at the clinic, and/or 3.Use of a computer to electronically transmit my claim for processing.
2. Authorization to Assign Medical Benefits to Clinic: I certify that information provided relative to injury, illness, and insurance coverage is both true and correct. I will notify the clinic of any changes to the information supplied. I authorize payment of insurance benefits or proceeds from any liability claim or legal/court settlement to be assigned to the physician of this clinic to the extent that their charges are paid in full.
3. Acknowledgement of Insurance Limitations: Most insurance carriers require a written referral from a primary care physician in advance of services (office visits, surgery, diagnostic tests, etc Patients are responsible for: 1. Obtaining physician referrals 2. Contacting their insurance carrier to verify benefits in advance of service 3. Patient's are also responsible for non-covered services, deductibles, co-insurance, and any penalties imposed by their insurance company on our doctor for seeing patients out of network. 4.Copayments, co-insurances, and deductibles are due at the time of service.
4. Acknowledgement of Payment Responsibility: Payment for medical services is between the clinic (doctor) and the patient. Payment is due in full according to the terms of this Clinic financial policy. Therefore, I understand that this Clinic cannot accept the responsibility for collecting or negotiating settlement on any disputed:
2. Accidental injury/illness liability claim 3. Claim where patient is/will be represented by an attorney 4.Claim to be settled in a court of law.