1) Organizations have the opportunity to receive up to 3 grant awards per Board Year. The maximum amount any organization can receive per year is $7,500. The maximum amount per request is limited to $5,000.
2) Requests can be submitted by the 15th of each month, August - April; applications received by midnight on the 15th will be considered for that month's awards, but after the 15th will be considered in the next month.
3) If the grant is requesting money to support an event, it must take place on or after the first of the month following the application deadline. For example, a grant request for an event on or after April 1 must be submitted by the March 15 deadline.
4) Organizations eligible for grant funds must be recognized as an organization or informal fund. This means the organization has a bank account. Checks can only be written to an organizational account tied to the organization applying for the grant. Student clubs/sports must have a separate accounting system within a Student Activity Fund (SAF) to receive grant funds.
5) Grants will be awarded based on the need, the organization's demonstrated ability to fundraise to support a portion of the activity or purchase, and the overall community impact of the activity or purchase being supported by community grant funds.
6) For lodging requests, the Welfare Committee will follow the $50/per person per day double occupancy or 85% of cost of hotel formula (whichever is lower).
7) SCSC will provide for food or catering if it’s included in the room fare and/or if the organization can prove that the food purchased will benefit the greater Stuttgart community. Alcohol will not be funded.
8) Grant awards WILL NOT be considered for the following:
-- To support administrative activities of the organization (insurance fees, accounting costs, membership dues, etc.)
-- To support an organization or individual not connected to the Stuttgart community
-- “Hail and Farewells”
-- Items to be given to individuals (includes gifts, shirts, uniforms, awards)
-- To support a charitable event or funds to be donated by the requesting organization, including scholarships
-- Items normally covered in DoDDS budget (i.e tables, equipment, sporting gear necessary to support a team, books, etc.)
9) If your organization has a Community Bank Account, funds will be transferred directly. If your organization has an account at another bank, a check will be written. Checks can be picked up on at the Patch Thrift Shop by arrangement with the Grants Chair. CHECKS MUST BE CASHED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF RECEIPT OR BEFORE THE EVENT OR PURCHASE.
10) Grant funds must be utilized and reconciled 30 days after the event.
11) Include estimates for activities/items that you are requesting. Please clearly explain what specific items you would like SCSC to help support. The application must specifically demonstrate the need for the amount requested. If you ask for $5,000 for train tickets, but train tickets cost $2,000, then the organization would only be considered for a $2,000 award.
12) Grant funds that have not been utilized must be returned to the SCSC. Grant funds are not transferrable to another activity or purchase. Return of unused funds should be coordinated with the SCSC Grants Chair.
Please review the additional guidelines for SCSC grants on the Grants webpage at: