Rekindle Chapter Communication Form
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
If you have any co-founders or team members that we should include in emails, please input their information here:
First Name
Last Name
Team Member 1
Team Member 2
Team Member 3
What community are you representing?
Akron, Ohio
Baltimore, Maryland
Buffalo, NY
Cleveland, Ohio
Detroit, Michigan
Greenville, South Carolina
Long Island, New York
Memphis, Tennessee
Metrowest (Newark) New Jersey
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Newark, New Jersey
New Orleans, Louisiana
Northern New Jersey
Omaha, Nebraska
Rochester, New York
Tampa, Florida
Westchester, New York
What stage are you in? (Try to select only one, but you can pick more than one if necessary.)
Exploring - would like to have an initial conversation with you about Rekindle
Considering - we haven't decided if we're moving forward with Rekindle or not.
Planning - we're actively in the planning stages for our first cohort
Recruiting - we have dates set and are (or will be) recruiting our first cohort
Running our first Cohort - we have our first cohort in progress
Finished a cohort and considering another one
Finished one or more cohorts and running another
Finished a cohort and NOT considering another one currently
Since you are in the "considering" phase, what are some of the questions you're trying to answer, or challenges you're facing?
Where are you in the planning phase? Have you recruited a leadership team? Found your Facilitators? Taken advantage of Rekindle's offer to build you a webpage and give you flyer and other marketing templates? Reached out to local media? Set dates to meet?
Since you are currently - or will be - recruiting, what are your session dates?
Since you are currently running a cohort, how many people are in it?
Since your Rekindle Chapter has graduates, how many graduates does it have?
What modifications, if any, are you making to the curriculum?
What are your biggest challenges right now? Are there any other ways Rekindle can support your Chapter?
Have you started thinking about what you'll do with alumni? What are your plans? (Or, what are you doing currently?)
Would you be interested in sending representatives from your Chapter to a Rekindle Moderator Training course on Zoom?
Should be Empty: