Release of Liability:
I/we the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of the above named child do hereby delegate to the Leadership of CHIEF Volleyball a "Power of Attorney" for the above named child for the purpose of having custody of our child and my/our consent to any needed emergency/medical treatment of said child.
In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hearby give my permission to the physician or dentist selected by the CHIEF Volleyball Leadership to hospitalize, to secure proper treatment, and/or order an injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my son or daughter as deemed necessary.
I understand that if I have medical insurance, my carrier will be billed for medical charges in the case of illness or injury while my son or daughter is on this sports related activity. I will be responsible for all medical bills not covered by insurance.
I understand that every activity sponsored by CHIEF Volleyball is carefully planned and adequately supervised by mature adults. However, even with the best of planning and precaution, unforeseen events can occur. By signing this form, as parent/guardian, I agree to assume and accept all risks and hazards inherent in this sports related special activity. I also agree not to hold CHIEF Volleyball or its volunteer leaders liable for damages, losses, or injuries to the person or property undersigned. As parent/guardian I understand that I am signing for the minor named on this form and the signature(s) are to provide the power of attorney, the medical release, and the liability release.