Address of Camp ground
Bushbaby Lodge Mukono 1 Bushbaby Lane , Mukono
Horseback riding , forest hikes(day and night) , farm tours, bike tours, birdwatching, conservation, camping, visit to ssezibwa falls, navigation skills, regenerative farming, fishing, apiary, botany and zoology classes, eco-gymnastics, fire building, first aid course etc
Participants will perform all the activities under the supervision of supervisors.
Transportation of the participants to and from the Campground is provided by their own parents/guardians.
Participants may be offered mentoring, which is intended to help the kids improve their social skills. Mentoring involves a private conversation with an adult conducted in plain view of others. When dealing with adolescents, confidentiality will be maintained to foster openness of dialogue, but situations involving sexual abuse of a minor or threats to life or physical health will be reported to the appropriate authority and to the parents (except in those cases where the parent may be the alleged abuser).
The participants should be in good health and have no physical or medical limitations that would cause the activities as described above to be detrimental or dangerous to the child.
Parents/guardians should specify pre - existing conditions, allergies and medical problems in the section above.
Authorization for Medical Treatment
I understand that in case of medical emergencies involving my Child, I shall be notified right away. In case any of my provided contact information is unreachable, I authorize the organization to call the doctor indicated above. In case that the doctor is not available, I authorize the organizers to call any doctor to provide the necessary medical attention to my child.
I understand that the camp shall not be responsible, and shall be reimbursed, for any medical expenses incurred by them over this authorization.
Bushbaby Lodge does not carry any insurance relative to the activities or for any injury that may occur to the participants. The child is covered by insurance through parent/guardian’s or the parents/guardian personally financially responsible for any and all medical costs incurred as a result of the child's injury.
For any direct or indirect losses, damages or injuries arising from the participant's activities(including transportation) will be indemnified by the parent/guardian. In such a case, the parent/guardian reimburses the Company.
I hereby agree and declare that I am the legal parentguardian of the above-named child and hereby consent to the child's participation in the activities described above.
I understand that activitiesof the kind described above may result in physical injury to my child but nonetheless specifically request that he or she be allowed to participate in those activities.
If the above-named child requires any emergency medical treatment or procedures during the activities,
I hereby consent to and authorise the above-named activity supervisor(s) to make any decision and take any action to arrange for such procedures or treatments in the discretion of the activity supervisor(s).
I also consent to my child being photographed and recorded on video during the camp for purposes of promotional content only.
I, the parent/guardian, hereby agree and declare that I have carefully read and understand the general provisions, understand its contents, and agree to its terms and conditions.