By signing this agreement, you are agreeing that The Gardens of Southeastern North Carolina, hereby identified as The Gardens, and all of its members and volunteers shall save and hold harmless The Gardens, its officers, volunteers, employees, agents, successors and assigns from any and all personal injuries, property damage, losses, suits, costs (including attorney’s fees), claims, damages, expenses, judgments, liabilities or liens, arising directly or indirectly from participation in events and activities at The Gardens during the term stated herein or any renewal thereof, from the conduct of management of The Gardens and The Gardens’ participation in any events and activities therein, from the parties’ activities under this Agreement.
All memberships run for 1-year from the date of submission and payment. You will receive an email prior to the auto-renewal of your membership. Email us anytime to opt out of auto-renew or to cancel your membership. Please note that all fees are non-refundable.
It is further understood that membership to The Gardens is voluntary and conducted in concert with the rules and regulations of The Gardens. Failure to follow the terms contained herein shall result in immediate dismissal from the property and possible revocation of membership. Signing this document waives any and all claims and causes of action resulting from any failure to follow the rules and procedures set forth by The Gardens of Southeastern North Carolina.
I have read and fully understand the parameters of this contract and I understand that fees are non-refundable.