IRTS Referral Form
Northstar Behavioral Health IRTS Program. 1174 Western Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
All fields marked with * are required.
Thank you for your interest in Northstar Behavioral Health Network IRTS. Please refer carefully to the section titled "Referral Documentation Checklist" on Page 4 of this form, and provide us with the required items as soon as possible. This information is necessary in order for us to make a determination of medical necessity for IRTS placement. If you are referring from a hospital, please complete the referral form to the best of your ability including the name and contact number of the individuals case manager, and have the individual complete the "IRTS Client Agreement" form and sign a release form allowing communication with their case manager. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for addition information about the program, eligibility requirements, and anticipated bed openings.