Dues: The dues structure for PSFOA is one fee for each organization based on population and/or type of organization. All registrations completed after 2/28 will be charged a $10 premium, which is included in the pricing shown below. Payment can be remitted either via PayPal (now) or check.
PayPal: Please select your organization type from the list below, then "PayPal Checkout" at the bottom of the form once all other fields are complete. You'll then be routed back to the form to click, "Submit" once you've completed the online payment (a detailed receipt will be provided via email).
Check: Please note the amount due based on your organization type, and send a check payable to, "Puget Sound Finance Officers Associaton", to the City of Federal Way | ATTN: David Liang | 33325 8th Avenue South | Federal Way, WA 98003.
NOTE: Please only select one of the following organization types if you intend to pay via PayPal. If you plan to pay via check, please complete all other form fields, then choose, "Submit".