PTI Post-Tutoring Report
To all our PTI tutors: Please submit a tutoring report within 24 hours of each tutoring session. (Though we do ask all tutors to submit a post-session report, only one of the tutors on your shift needs to upload the student sign-in sheet.) Your timely participation is appreciated! If you experience problems with this form, please email Tara at
First Name
Last Name
Tutoring session date
Tutoring location
Please Select
East Jersey
Edna Mahan
Garden State
South Woods
Please tell us what activities you worked on with each student (include student names). You only need to respond for yourself, not other tutors.
Please scan or take a picture of the student sign-in sheet for your session. (You may skip this if you know someone else is submitting it.)
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Please let us know if any of the following facility-related issues arose for your volunteer shift. (Select all that apply.)
My name was not on the facility entrance list.
An officer told me my clothing was inappropriate.
An officer would not allow me to bring my books or supplies in.
I wasn't able to get into the facility.
The session's start time was delayed.
The session ended early.
A DOC staff member made me feel uncomfortable.
No students attended the session.
None of these apply.
If any facility-related issues arose for your shift, please provide as much detail as possible.
Please let us know if any of the following student-related issues arose during your volunteer shift. (Select all that apply.)
I reported a student's behavior to a DOC staff member/correctional officer.
A student attempted to give me a note or other item to take outside the facility.
A student asked me to read work that was not clearly related to a class.
A student asked me to bring materials in for them the next time I tutor.
A student who was not on the pass list attempted to attend tutoring.
A student asked me for personal information about myself.
A student made inappropriate comments to or about me.
I was uncomfortable with a student's behavior.
A student asked me to contact their family or friends outside the facility.
A student shared inappropriately personal details about their life with me.
None of these apply.
If any student-related issues arose for your shift, please provide as much detail as possible.
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