Historical Information Request Form
Is there a historical document you are looking for? Please complete the below sections to request a specific historical document that is readily available. Keep in mind this does not qualify as a CORA Request (Colorado Opens Record Act). If you don't see your Type of Document listed you will need to contact WSDM's Office (custodian of Record) at 719-447-1777.
Your Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Best Email Contact
Best Phone Contact
Please enter a valid phone number.
Which Community are you requesting a Historical Document from?
Please Select
Arabian Acres Metropolitan District
Barnes Center Metropolitan District
Bent Grass Metropolitan District
Bradley Heights Metropolitan District
Cascade Fire Protection District
Cascade Metropolitan District
Cathedral Pines Metropolitan District
Central Marksheffel Metropolitan District
Chaparral Pointe Metropolitan District
Cheyenne Creek Metropolitan Park and Water District
Constitution Heights Metropolitan District
Elbert & Highway 86 Metropolitan District
Ellston Park Metropolitan District
Gardens at North Carefree Metropolitan District
Gold Hill Mesa Metropolitan Districts 1 and 2
Green Mountain Falls Chipita Park Fire Protection District
Hancock Metropolitan Districts 1 and 2
High Plains Ranch Metropolitan District
Mayberry Metropolitan Districts 1 - 8
Mountain Vista Metropolitan District and 2
Remuda Ridge Metropolitan District
Saddlehorn Ranch Metropolitan Districts 1 -3
Sunset Metropolitan Districts 1 and 2
Tuscan Foothills Village Metropolitan District
Ventana Metropolitan District
Vistas at West Mesa Metropolitan District
Waterview North Metropolitan District
Westgate Metropolitan District
Wildgrass at Rockrimmon Metropolitan District
Woodmen Heights Metropolitan Districts 1 - 3
Woodmen Road Metropolitan District
Woodmen Valley Fire Protection District
How would you like to receive the Document
Select the Type of Document you are requesting
Please Select
Board Meeting Minutes
Prior Budget
Prior Audit
Prior Annual Report
Month and Year of Requested Document
Example: November 2022
Should be Empty: