To place an order:
Using the boxes below, please indicate the date you want this order to start and what date you want this order to end.
Single order? Choose the single day for the order as both the start and stop date.
Ordering a week at a time? Choose the first day lunch should be provided for the order as the start date. Choose the last day lunch should be provided in this order as the end date.
Repeat order? Choose the weekday that your order should start. Then choose "Repeat Order", the repeat frequency, and select your items.
Example: If you want the same order on Mondays...
- Choose the first Monday date that you would like your student's order to begin as your start date.
- Select the last Monday you would like your student's order to end as the stop date.
- Select the frequency of the order (by month or semester).
- Select which month or semester that you would like the orders for, and that order will be placed for every Monday during the duration indicated.
Please note that the dates reflected do not reflect school closures.
Note: All lunch orders must be placed through this form, in advance. The form does not allow same-day submissions, so please check the order start date to verify that your order is being placed for the following day.
In the event an order is not able to be honored, students will be offered a substitution from the Snack Shack and parents will be notified via email.
The best way to ensure delivery is to place your orders by 11:59 PM the day before.