I agree that in admitting my dog(s) – heretofore described as “dog(s)”) to DoggieVille Ranch, they have relied on my representation that my dog(s), is/are in good health, have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog, and have not exhibited prior behavior that would indicate they could jump over/or dig under fences. I affirm the terms of this agreement and the truthfulness and accuracy of all statements I make in it. I authorize this signed contract to be valid approval for future services without having to sign additional contracts each time my dog(s) returns for subsequent visits to DoggieVille Ranch. By signing my name, and dating the document, I acknowledge that I have read this agreement in its entirety and agree to the terms.
In consideration of all services rendered by DoggieVille Dog Ranch I wave any and all claims, actions, or demands of any nature foreseen or unforeseen, that I may have against DoggieVille Ranch related to care, control, health, grooming, training, and/or safety of my dog arising during pick-up, drop-off, and/or stay at the facility. All dogs are boarded and/or daily cared for by DoggieVille Ranch, or any of its facilities, owners, staff, or volunteers, without liability on their part for loss or damage from disease, death, running away, theft, fire, injury to persons, other dogs, or property by said dog, or other unavoidable causes.
If in the judgment of the DoggieVille Dog Ranch staff, my dog(s) requires medical attention, I accept sole responsibility for payment of all medical bills incurred on my dog(s)'s behalf. If an emergency should arise, DoggieVille Ranch will do their best to contact me but in the event they cannot, I authorize DoggieVille Ranch to approve any medical treatment recommended by a veterinarian. I agree to reimburse DoggieVille Ranch for all expenses incurred due to such said event. I release DoggieVille Dog Ranch and its officers, agents, and employees (“DoggieVille Ranch") from any and all responsibility for, or claims, debts, or damages related to such medical care. In addition, I accept responsible for any injuries caused by my dog(s) (as judged so by DoggieVille Ranch staff) and any medical or veterinary bills that may result.
I recognize the many outstanding benefits of dog socialization and I am requesting my dog to be in a socialized environment while under the care of DoggieVille Ranch. I understand that there are risks involved, including scrapes and cuts, which are commonplace due to the nature of dog play. More serious injuries cannot be predicted but I am aware harm or loss could come to my pet due to the nature of the kennel-free setting. My small dog(s), if I have one, may be mixed with the large dog(s), or vice versa, depending on the temperament, age and personality of the dog(s). At DoggieVille Ranch, both Daycare dogs and Boarded dogs are allowed to mingle freely with other dogs indoor and outdoor in our play areas. Unless specifically requested, I acknowledge and agree that, when boarding, my dog(s) will be sleeping in the same kennel-free room as other dogs and that this area may not be directly supervised at all times. I understand and except the risks of communal, kennel-free boarding and/or day care. I am aware that given the unpredictable nature of dogs, an interaction could occur which may result in injury to my dog(s), other dogs, to other people or to the property of DoggieVille Ranch. I alone assume full responsibility for any such event and any costs related to it.
I hereby declare that my dog(s) have been inoculated as indicated by the records I presented to DoggieVille Ranch. This includes inoculation for DHLPP (Distemper), Rabies and Bordetella (kennel cough). I also agree to provide proof that my dog(s) have had a negative fecal test within 6-months of their boarding or daycare. I acknowledge that DoggieVille recommends my dog(s) receive ongoing preventative care for fleas and ticks. I understand that even though all dogs are properly vaccinated in the facility, a medical situation could arise due to the communal group of dogs. I, the client, will be responsible for any and all medical costs if my dog(s) catches a communicable disease (including fleas) while under the care of DoggieVille Ranch. I understand DoggieVille Ranch has the right to refuse service to me and/or my dog(s) at any time for any reason and DoggieVille Ranch can seek alternative boarding arrangements if they feel the need due to safety, illness or aggression. I have read and understand the terms set forth above. I agree to abide by all the terms, conditions and statements of this Release of Liability Agreement & Boarding/Daycare Contract.