Join the Growth Alliance
Mainstreet - Chamber of Commerce - Tourism
Business listing in Chamber online directory on with business name, contact
info, website, and social media links
Business Advocacy at local organization and
governmental entity meetings
Chamber REFERRALS through website, phone calls,
and email requests
Ribbon Cuttings and Grand Openings, with social
media posts
Chamber networking
events: Regional Business After Hours, Wake-up West Point
Breakfasts for all of your employees (please include a list of names
with your application)
SOCIAL MEDIA shares of your events and
promotions on: Westpointlife Social Media Pages
Part 1 - Contact Info
Contact Name
Contact Title
Owner, CEO, CFO, Director, etc.
Contact Phone
Contact Email
Part 2 - Membership Options
Growth Alliance Chamber Membership Levels:
$100 - For Individual
$100 - For Non-Profit
$200 - For Small Business
$375 - For Businesses with more than 20 employees
$500 - For Corporate /Franchise
$1000 - For Utilities
Chamber Add-Ons (check all that apply):
There are a limited number of sponsorship opportunities available for an additional investment including: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum level sponsors, as well as industry specific sponsors. Each level of sponsorship incudes additional premium membership benefits and advertising opportunities to the sponsor businesses. If you are interested in being Prairie Arts Festival Sponsor or other event sponsor, and would like more information, please check here
I'd like to host a Wake-Up West Point Event by providing the location, beverages and snacks will be provided by the Growth Alliance.
I’m a new, relocated, or revamped business and would like a ribbon cutting ceremony
I’m interested in becoming a Chamber Board Member
I'd like to be a Chamber Ambassador (a volunteer for business support and assistance, and at Chamber events)
Part 3 - Organization / Business Info
For the online directory
Organization / Business Name
Business Type
What do you do?
Number of Employees
Year Established
Phone #'s (if different from above)
Phone, fax, toll-free
Email (if different from above)
Business Address (physical location)
Address, City, State, ZIP
Mailing Address (if different from physical location)
Address, City, State, ZIP
Leave blank if none
I have business pages on: (check all that apply)
Part 4 - Employee List
This will show all your employees as members of the West Point Chamber, important for all the social events we do.
Employee List (optional)
Part 5 - Payment Info
Non-Profit? If yes, include copy of non-profit status certificate
Yes, sending copy of non-profit certificate
Payment Options
Send me an Invoice to send payment
Check or Money Order Included with this Application
Please send me an electronic invoice with a link that I can pay by credit/debit card or ACH to the following email:
Mail any checks to: Growth Alliance 746 East Broad Street West Point, MS 39773
Should be Empty: