Bloomington Vegan Chef Challenge Voter Form
Please choose the restaurant/location or chef you are rating from the drop-down list:
Please Select
Bedräk Cafe
Johnny’s Grub to go
Metal Works Brewing Company
Pili’s Party Taco
Planted Bloomington
Rasta Pops
Rush Hour Station
Simple Raw Eats
The Owlery Restaurant
The Vault Pub
Upland Brew Pub
Which types of food did you try?
Other Item
Please submit the name of the Appetizer:
Please rate the appetizer:
Not a fan
It was pretty good
It was winner quality!
Please submit your comments about the appetizer:
Please submit the name of the Entree:
Please rate the Entree:
Not a fan
It was pretty good
It was winner quality!
Please submit your comments about the Entree:
Please submit the name of the Dessert:
Please rate the Dessert:
Not a fan
It was pretty good
It was winner quality!
Please submit your comments about the Dessert:
Please submit the name of the Beverage:
Please rate the Beverage:
Not a fan
It was pretty good
It was winner quality!
Please submit your comments about the Beverage:
Please submit the name of the Other Item:
Please rate the Other Item
Not a fan
It was pretty good
It was winner quality!
Please submit your comments about the Other Item:
Please comment on anything else about your experience: service, ambiance, hospitality, etc.
How did you find out about the Vegan Chef Challenge?
At a restaurant/business
A family/friend told me
From a News Article/TV
Google Search
Which diet best describes yours? (optional)
Meat-eater — eats some meat (including chicken or fish)
Flexitarian — primarily vegetarian but sometimes eats meat (including chicken and fish)
Pesco-vegetarian — eating fish but no other meat
Vegetarian — eats no meat (including chicken and fish), but does eat eggs or dairy
Vegan — eats no animal products including chicken, fish, eggs, or dairy
To be included in a random drawing please provide your email address. Thank you!
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