What is this about?
At this point we need your comments on our draft Plan so that we can consider these and determine whether it should be amended before it is formally submitted to the Local Planning Authority later in the year.
Following an independent examination, a local referendum will then be held so that the community can decide if it agrees that the Plan should have legal status and become part of the formal planning framework, against which planning applications are considered.
How do I view the Plan and provide comments?
A copy of the draft Plan can be viewed on the same Neighbourhood Plan pages of the community website where the link to this form is located. Please read the Plan and then complete this form to provide comments.
What can I comment on?
You can comment on any aspect of the Plan. We have provided space for comments on each of the main sections as well as the individual Policies and Parish Actions. There is also space for additional comments at the end which can be about the process we have followed or anything else connected to the Plan, as well as the Plan itself. You do not have to answer all the questions. Please answer as many as you wish - every response we receive is important.
As you will be aware, we carried out a Consultation within the community during Winter 2023/24 and the responses obtained on that occasion, together with our notes on those responses, are available to view on the website. Where considered appropriate we made amendments to reflect those comments within this latest version of the Plan. Please note that if you still hold the same views and wish to have those comments re-considered at this stage, you will need to set them out again on this Consultation response form.
What other information do I need to provide?
Comments on the previous Consultation were made anonymously but for this Consultation we ask that you please provide your name and contact details. The comments which you make now will, in due course, be made available on the community website for others to see, although the only element shown alongside your comments will be your name.
Who can respond?
As well as consulting with residents we are also seeking comments from people who work or operate within the Plan Area. In addition, we are once more contacting the major employers, local organisations and groups with whom we spoke during the Stakeholder Consultation carried out earlier in the process, for their current thoughts. Any other stakeholder or anyone else with a specific interest in the area can also respond. We are also asking all the relevant statutory bodies for their comments including local government departments, utility and service providers, neighbouring Parish Councils etc. as is required under Neighbourhood Planning legislation.