Example of the 2024 Star Route Website Competition Scoring Sheet
Judge's Name
Judge's Email Address
Club/Affiliate Name
Website URL
Website Evaluation
Which of the following were present on the website (not including member-exclusive areas)?
Prominent name/logo
Contact information for one or more officers
Information about how to join
Calendar or list of upcoming events
Club news
Philatelic news
Search function
Archives of organization's newsletter, other publications, etc.
Links to social media
Extras or fun features (please briefly describe)
Please evaluate the newsletter on the categories below using the scale of Excellent to Very Poor. Your rating should be based on your overall impression after exploring the public pages of the website.
Very Good
Very Poor
Website as a whole was:
Website content overall was:
Messaging from leadership was:
Communication about meetings and events was:
Recognition of members was:
Relevance and currency of information was:
Accuracy of information was:
Spelling and grammar were:
Website design overall was:
Consistency of design across pages was:
Intuitiveness of using site was:
Navigability was:
Readability was:
Use of media (club event photos, philatelic images, embedded videos, etc.) was:
As a representation of philately as a whole, the website was:
This section does not count toward the score, but rather is intended to offer the organization informal feedback about their newsletter.
In your opinion, what was the best/most valuable part of this website?
In your opinion, what part of this website could use improvement?
In your opinion, did the website accomplish the purpose stated in the submission form?
To some extent
Do you have any feedback for the organization that was not already covered by the above questions?
Should be Empty: