I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian, do hereby authorize and consent to my daughter’s participation in the Hot Shots Fastpitch softball program tryout. I understand there are potential dangers involved in this sport and that physical injuries may occur that require medical care and treatment. I acknowledge that the coaches and staff do not provide medical or hospitalization insurance for any players and hereby waive any claims against the team, coaches, Hot Shots organization, or other affiliated staff for any injuries that may be sustained while participating in these tryouts.
I give my consent and authorize a representative of the Hot Shots, on behalf of my child and myself, to obtain emergency medical care and treatment for my child in the event that I am not present or am unable to be notified by reasonable means. I understand that I will be responsible for all medical bills and costs that may be incurred as a result of medical care and treatment provide for my child. Players will be evaluated by the Hot Shots Coaching Committee and placed within their respected age group and skill level to prevent harm to all players.