By hitting submit and your signature, you agree that you are the parent or legal guardian of the above-named child, and are over the age of 18. I agree that the participant will abide by all rules and regulations which now exist or which may be hereafter adopted or amended by The Art Guild. I further acknowledge and agree that The Art Guild shall not be liable for any personal injuries, property damage, or other loss sustained by the named participant in, on or about the premises of The Art Guild, or arising out of the use or intended use of any facilities, equipment or other property of The Art Guild. I hereby further declare the named participant to be physically sound and suffering from no conditions, impairment, disease, infirmity or other illness that would prevent his/her participation in The Art Guild programs, services and activities. In case of a medical emergency or general medical care, if an emergency contact person cannot be reached, I give consent for medical treatment for the above-named child by authorized personnel. I grant The Art Guild permission to obtain medical attention, if necessary, for which I will be financially responsible. I certify that my child has my permission to attend The Art Guild camp and participate in all activities. I authorize that the The Art Guild may use my child's picture, testimony, and video in any promotional material(web, print, or media). The Art Guild reserves the right to dismiss any student for inappropriate behavior without refund.