Join an Intra-Club
Use anytime during the year to join an Intra-Club.
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Please select the Intra-Club(s) you would like to join:
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Amateur Radio Club
The International RV Service Net is sponsored by the WBCCI Amateur Radio Club and affiliated with the ARRL. We are amateur radio operators traveling the country in RVs, hosting radio nets, or at least interested in RVing. We welcome all appropriately licensed hams to join us for our daily nets.
Boondocking Streamers
Our club’s roots go back to the RV days when there were no “hookups” to support those who wanted to go camping. Wally Byam and his followers explored many corners of the world without using regular campgrounds. In the eyes of today’s campers, that was serious boondocking. Much of that carried over to the early days of WBCCI events in the US and Canada. Mastering the art of boondocking still opens many doors to places that are otherwise inaccessible.
Classic Airstream Club
The Classic Airstream Club regular membership is open to all members of Wally Byam Airstream Club who own an aluminium Airstream Recreational Vehicle (trailer or motorhome) with the iconic aerodynamic shape, regardless of its age (not exclusively “ Classic” models). Whether your trailer is one, two, or three axle, you qualify! Our club members enjoy informal get-togethers, affordable rallies and caravans organized by local members from all parts of the North American continent.
Future Streamers
Future Streamers are members who may travel with children. Our goal is to develop memories with our youth that excite them about Airstreaming, provide life-skill opportunities, and build friendships through family friendly engagements and experiences. We use a facebook group, rallies, and informal social gatherings for members to share common interests.
Grapes & Grains
Grapes and Grains is an Intra-Club for members who share an interest in beverages produced from grapes and grains. These would include beverages such as wine, brandy, spirits, and beers as well as recipes made from these beverages. Rallies and caravans would focus on tours to places that make these beverages as well as venues that serve these beverages. The main objective of the membership is to share their knowledge about Grapes & Grains with others. The club is open to all members whose interests lie within Grapes & Grains.
Indie Streamers
“Indie Streamers” are Airstream Club members, single or married, men or women, who always or sometimes travel solo. We enjoy mutual support by sharing common interests and challenges through the Slack communication vehicle, social gatherings, friendship and the joy of safe and secure travel and camping together.
Pride Streamers
The objectives of the Pride Streamers are to connect and support LGBTQ+ WBCCI members and their supporters, to organize and conduct events and rallies, and to establish an electronic forum for sharing information, fielding questions and coordinating events and rallies.
Stella's Sisters
Stella’s Sisters Intra-Club is designed to promote women Airstreamers. Stella’s Sisters is open to all members of WBCCI with an emphasis on women members who tow their own Airstreams or share the driving with a spouse/partner. The goal is to aid in skills development while providing adventure for women who are new to towing or traveling alone. To provide opportunities for travel, shared skill sets, tips on safe travels, and best maintenance practices while also building friendships.
Streaming Musicians
You expand your circle of friends to include fellow musicians and music lovers from coast to coast. We embrace ALL types of music, share our favorites, and get to re-live the awesomeness of LIVE music, whether as a performer or a fan. For the cost of coffee and a cinnamon roll you rejoin the world of Airstream music lovers every year. Can I sign you up to harmonize with us today? Dues are only $10 per BRN per year. Everyone in your rig joins for $10.
Vintage Airstream Club
The Vintage Airstream Club is open to all WBCCI members who appreciate Airstreams that are 25 years old and older. You do not even need to own a vintage Airstream. Learn how to maintain, repair, restore, and renovate Airstreams from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and even the early 1990's. Make new like-minded friends at our rallies and caravans. There has never been a better time to own, travel, and camp in a vintage Airstream.
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