Moderator/Verified Member Application
Apply to become a moderator and/or verified member in r/AnimalShelterStories! Please read the descriptions below before completing the application.
Moderators: Assist in approving/removing posts from the subreddit according to subreddit rules. Provide input on community building and subreddit rules.
Moderators assist in the day to day operations of the subreddit by removing and approving posts according to the subreddit's rules. We are seeking moderators who are able to log in regularly - at least several days per week - to check in on post approvals/removals, check messages from other moderators, and check modmail. Note--We do not grant moderators flair that indicates their status as a moderator, you will have self-selected user flair describing your shelter role, or a verified member flair if applying for both. Preference will be given to those who have been active in the community for longer, and/or have reddit moderation experience.
Verified Members: Individuals who are given specially assigned user flair, indicating their specific role and verified level of experience in animal sheltering/rescue.
We are looking for verified members to add to r/AnimalShelterStories, who will be given moderator-designated user flair that indicates their experience level in the field has been verified, and states their verified role in the field. You may become a verified member completely anonymously, through a post/comment history review and a private discussion with moderators. You may also provide proof of relevant education/certifications to become verified. *We are implementing verified member statuses/user flair in an attempt to enhance the experiences of users, by providing some verification of who has opinions that are well-informed and based on hands-on shelter/rescue experiences in different areas.* Preference will be given to those who have been actively engaging with the community for longer periods of time.
Initial Application Materials:
Please fill out all relevant fields. You must complete at least one of the numbered questions below for consideration (1, 2, or 3). *You may remain anonymous outside of providing your reddit username that you would be using as a moderator/verified member.* We will reach out via reddit as soon as possible.
Are you looking to become a moderator, verified member, or both?
Verified Member
What is your reddit username?
Please list primary account, that you would use for moderation or verified member status.
How long have you been active in r/AnimalShelterStories?
Estimates are fine. Has it been years? months? weeks?
1. If applying for moderator, please describe your relevant experience/skills:
Skills/experience relevant to being a moderator might include: previous moderation experience on reddit, coding experience, community organizing skills, promotional, and/or social media experience.
2. If applying for verified member, please describe your level of experience and your specific role in animal sheltering/rescue/welfare:
Level of experience = number of years in field, certifications, relevant education, etc. / Specific role = job title, volunteer role, description of work history, etc.
3. Do you have any specific training, certifications, educational history, degrees, etc. related to working in/with animal shelters?
e.g. Certified dog trainer, Fear Free trainings, RVT, DVM, Behaviorist, etc.
If you have other reddit usernames that you would like to be considered in your post/comment history review please list them here:
Other reddit usernames you've used to post in r/AnimalShelterStories.
Should be Empty: