£30.00 per person (Individual Membership)
£60.00 for two people at the same address (Joint Membership)
Our Membership year is from 1st January to 31st December BUT if you join on or after 1st October 2024 you get October, November and December membership free.
Bank transfer: A/C name: Tring u3a Sort Code: 40-52-40 A/C no. 00025739.
Make cheques payable to Tring u3a, print your name and postcode on the reverse and post to: Tring u3a Membership Secretary, Islay, Bunstrux, Tring, Herts HP23 4HT
Gift Aid provides Tring u3a with additional income at no extra cost to you. Making a Gift Aid declaration does not affect you in any way. It doesn't mean you'll need to make a tax return or anything else (though, if you're a higher rate tax payer you can claim additional tax relief by including your Gift Aid donations on your tax returns).
Conditions of Membership
Members are required to: abide by the Principles of the u3a movement and the Constitution of Tring u3a; support the decisions of the elected committee of Tring u3a; treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times; advise the Membership Secretary of any change in their personal details. For more information or to contact the Membership Secretary please go to the Membership page of Tring u3a.