Skyline Elementary School and the families of the students participating in activities, services and programs funded by Title 1, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act 9ESEA), agree that this compact outlines how families, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibly for improved academic achievement and how we will develop a partnership to help children achieve the State's high standards.
This school/family compact is in effect during the 2024-2025 school year.
As a Parent/Caregiver - I will:
*Carefully look at my child's work.
*Encourage my child to practice good study skills.
* See that my child attends school regularly and promptly.
*Provide a place for study and assist when needed.
*Promote the importance of reading.
*Promote the importance of math.
As a Student - I will:
*Attend school regularly and be punctual
*Learn and practice good study skills.
*Complete and hand-in school and homework assignments on time.
*Respect and cooperate with other students and adults.
*Do my best in class.
As a School - We will:
*Teach good study skills and provide explanations as needed.
*Communicate classroom expectations to students and parents.
Encourage parent communication with meetings and written notes.
*Provide opportunities for your child to be successful through activities.
Any questions or comments may be directed to administration.