Field Trip Release: My child(ren) has permission to participate in activities and outings planned by the Temple Emanuel Religious School during the 2024-25 school year. I give permission for my child(ren) to travel with the Temple Emanuel personnel, teachers, parents and adult drivers as applicable to provide necessary transportation for the outing. When privately-owned vehicles are used for transporting students, only the vehicle owner's liability coverage is applicable to any vehicular accident. I understand that school trips may be cancelled when necessary by the Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Educator, Executive Director, Youth Advisor, teacher or Board of Trustees. Temple Emanuel cannot guarentee reimbursement when such cancellations occur. Parents/guardians will be notified of any significant change in plans prior to the school/youth group trip.
I understand the the following is expected of my child(ren): to follow instructions given by the teacher/chaperone; not to leave or separate from the group without appropriate authorization from a teacher/chaperone; to comply with all school and Temple Emanuel policies and rules of conduct.
In the event that any of the above expectations are violated, I understand Temple Emanuel officials reserve the right to remove the student from the trip and the student may be sent home at the parent's expense and/or be subject to disciplinary consequences.
If the trip includes water-related activities (such as swimming, diving, etc.) or any participation on amusement park rides, I acknowledge the inherent risks in these acitivities and give my express permission for my child(ren) to participate in those activities.
I understand that if I have not granted permission for the above prior to a school trip, my child(ren) will not be permitted to participate and will remain at school in a supervised activity.
Therefore, I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Temple Emanuel and its teachers and volunteers assocated with the school trip from any and all liability in connection with any injury (including any injury caused by negligence), in conjunction with the school trip.
I request that the above-named child(ren) be allowed to participate in all planned field trips for the 2024-25 school year and specifically consent to their participation.