First Name Last Name has my permission to travel with the Clark Marching Band to all 2024-2025 regional band events. I understand the organization will leave from school on (see future memos and the Cougar Band website,, for dates and times). I will not hold Northside Independent School District or its employees liable for accidents or injury, which may occur while on the above-described trip. I further understand that any student acting as a representative of a Northside School or the District (including practice, competition, travel to and from the event, or other related activities) who displays conduct which is disruptive or detrimental to the program including but not being limited to, being in possession or under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogenic drugs or other prohibited substances of any kind, or the attempting to sell, distribute, or to use said prohibited items on campus of any school in the District or any activities mentioned above will be subject to immediate withdrawal from the program for the remainder of the school year and/or placed under suspension, placed in an alternative program, or expulsion from school. (Northside Board Policies, EHAD Local, FNCF/FNCE Local, FNCG Local, FNCH Local)I, Parent First Name Last Name, authorize Justin Murphy and/or chaperones to execute any and all documents necessary for my child, First Name Last Name , to be treated by a medical doctor or at a medical facility, whether on an emergency or non-emergency basis should it be deemed necessary for his/her care and general welfare.