Family Voices North Dakota EMS for Children
Complete this quiz with a minimum of 7 correct answers to receive one (1) hour of LCCR.
1. What is Family Voices?
An organization devoted to providing speech therapy for families
A clearinghouse for information and education concerning the healthcare of children with additional medical needs and disabilities
An all-ages choir
2. What is the current correct terminology for children and youth with special healthcare needs?
What the family and patient would like to be classified as
Medically complex children
Children with additional health care needs
Children with disabilities
3. Why should you take time to listen to what the caregiver is telling you about the child?
They are experts in their child
They are familiar with equipment
They know the child’s baseline
They know more about the child’s condition than you do
All of the above
4. Where can you find a family’s Emergency Information form?
On the front of the fridge
In the freezer
On the counter
Above the microwave
5. How can an ambulance service open a dialogue with families who have additional healthcare needs?
Hold an open house at the ambulance barn and invite the community
Find out if your service area includes any group homes or specialty hospitals and introduce yourself
Invite families to bring their children to the ambulance garage to show them around the ambulance and discuss their needs
All of the above
6. How do you transfer a patient with contractures?
Straighten the limb first and strap patient to cot
Children are light so only one person is needed to transfer
Move rapidly and get it done a soon as possible
Slowly, not forcing limbs to move, and with assistance of another person
7. When is EMS most often activated for a family with a child who has additional needs?
Equipment failure
Caregiver fatigue
The child has a new caregiver
All of the above
8. When communicating with the child, what two things should you remember?
Physical disabilities do not necessarily imply mental deficits
Communicating with the caregivers is most important
Communicate with the child based on their chronological age
Communicated with the child based on their development age
9.What skills are important to know when caring for a child who has medically complex needs?
Safety suction a trach
Recognize the equipment being used
Care of a chest tube
Place a c-collar
10. When a caregiver maintains that something is wrong with a child despite vitals being normal should you still transport the child?
+2 Bonus* What makes you the most uncomfortable about caring for a child who has medically complex needs?
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