1. I have read, understand and will comply with the Acrux Capital, LLC Disclaimer & Terms of Use.
2. I acknowledge the risks associated with options and derivative trading. I accpet that I am responsible for defining my own risk, whether auto trading or manually trading my own account.
3. I certify that I am a not a Financial Professional and that any information I receive from Acrux Capital, LLC, in any form, is solely for personal use only and will not be shared, redistributed, or used for profit in any way other than my own account.
4. If auto trading, I agree that I will adhere to the sizing parameters that I identify upon becoming a client and inform Acrux Capital of any changes, increse or decrease, that I make to this. Failure to do so may result in suspension of access to services.
5. I understand that any non-payment of fees mayl result in my access to information, trading signals and auto trade setup being revoked.
6. I understand that any fees assessed are for this strategy I am joining only, and if I participate in multiple strategies that fees are spcific to each strategy and not the composite value provided when trading multiple strategies.
7. If I decide to terminite my relationship with Acrux Capital I will notify them, via email, that I am doing so.