Terms and conditions
The current agreement is valid until cancelled. Cancellation of the agreement is possible one full calendar month in advance, i.e. if you cancel in the middle of May I will confirm the cancellation to the end of June, and should be done in a written form. July is exempt from cancellation. The course takes place once per week and lasts 45 min. (60€/month), or 90 min. (90€/month). Umsatzsteuerfrei nach §4 Nr.21 Buchst a Doppelbuchst. bb UStG. The amount is due in advance by day 3rd of every month, including school holidays.
Once per year materials fee in the amount of monthly fee (60€ or 90€) to be payed upon registration. Full amount 60€ or 90€ if register before January 1st and then each September. If register after January 1st - half amount, i.e 30€ or 45€.
There are no lessons on public holidays as well as during Bavarian school holidays. Lessons missed due to public or school holidays, as well as school internal events, are not a subject for catching up.
If the teacher is unable to perform a lesson or the student is unable to attend a lesson, the missed lesson can be made up at the alternative locations of the school: Planegg(MiniArt, PreArt) or Pasing (PreArt).
If the child is sick during long period of time, some other solution can be found upon presenting the doctors' note.
By signing this form I give the permission to Luba Holland to contact me via the e-mail or phone number provided in case of emergency or informational purposes.