This is a Test:If you plan to use This is a Test to exercise your jurisdictional POD plan please complete the information below. Number of players anticipated to participate:Number of players* Exercise Location (Street Address)* City* State* Zip* Preferred dates of exercise (enter 2-3 date options): Preferred dates of exercise* Partners to be included: Partners to be included* For jurisdictions using This is a Test to exercise their POD plan onsite facilitation will be offered based on each jurisdiction's needs.
This is a Test:If you plan to use This is a Test as an educational and/or teambuilding event in your jurisdiction please complete the information below. Number of game set needed (based on 3-7 players for each set):Number of games* Shipping Address(Street Address)* City* State* Zip* Date game is needed by: Date needed by* How long do you anticipate needing the game? Anticipated length For jurisdictions using This is a Test for educational and/or teambuilding events, the MT PHEP section will ship the game and provide technical assistance prior to the event. No onsite facilitation will be provided.
HPP PoraCount Equipment Loan Program
Please read the FAQs and complete all of the requested information below.Program FAQThere is NO cost to use this program.Organizations may keep the PaC for up to 3 weeks. (Though every effort should be made to minimize the amount of time needed.)This program is for fit testing the N95 disposable particulate respirator. Other respirators are not supported.HPP will pay for the shipping to and the return of the PaC from the requesting organization.Future training on the use of the PaC will be done via pre-recorded videos.HPP will provide technical support to the requesting organization via phone, email, or teleconference. Site visits should not be necessary.
Please note: This is a loan of the PortaCount (PaC) equipment, accessories, and testing supplies only. The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) WILL NOT conduct the fit testing or provide N95 respirators.
Shipping Address Address Line 2 City State Zip How many personnel do you plan on fit-testing? Number of personnel needing fit-testing What date will you begin fit-testing?date to begin fit -testing How many days do you expect/estimate you will be conducting fit-testing? Number of days conducting fit-testing
What kind of volunteer is needed? blanksDuties volunteer will be performing blank Pay rate being offered for volunteer blank Volunteer Work Hours blank Lodging provided for volunteer blank Per diem provided for volunteer blankMilage reimbursement provided for volunteer blank Can the requesting jurisdiction pay for this request? blank Point of Contact for requesting jurisdiction name, phone number and email