Applicants must provide a completed and signed Roadway Worker Memorial Scholarship Application Form and supporting materials to apply to the scholarship program. Applicants will be evaluated by the following four criteria:
1) Applicant’s past academic performance record of high school grades.
a. An official copy of the applicant’s transcript and grade report from the school currently being attended or most recently attended. The transcript should list all grade points earned and all academic coursework completed to date.
b. In the case of applicants already attending an institution of higher learning, their cumulative college grade point average (GPA) and academic performance will be considered.
2) Written essay that explains the applicant’s reasons for wanting to continue his or her education.
a. Essay should be typed, no more than 200 words, and written by the applicant.
b. Include any current volunteer activities/accomplishments.
c. Include current extracurricular activities of the candidate.
3) Demonstrated need for financial assistance for continuing education with a completed and signed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
a. FAFSA form can be obtained online at or from your high school guidance office.
4) Two letters of recommendation in support of the candidate’s application and the views expressed therein.
a. Letters may be from a teacher school administrator, counselor, member of the clergy or a supervisor who can address the applicant’s qualifications and academic aptitude.
b. Letters will NOT be accepted from immediate family members, other relatives, relatives by marriage or close family friends.
c. Letters must have a signature, date and contact information of person submitting/writing the letter(s).
d. Previous/repeat scholarship applicant letters cannot be a duplicate of one previously submitted.
Applicants must meet all the above requirements.