You have the right to accept or reject dental treatment recommended by your dentist. This form is intended to provide you with an overview of potential risks and complications. Prior to consenting to treatment, you should carefully consider the anticipated benefits, commonly known risks and complications of the recommended procedure, alternative treatments or the option of no treatment.
It is very important that you provide New Bite Dentistry & Orthodontics with an accurate medical history before, during and after treatment. It is equally important that you follow your Dr. Koo’s and or associates advice and recommendations regarding medication, pre and post treatment instructions, referrals to other dentists or specialists, and return for scheduled follow up appointments. If you fail to follow the advice of Dr. Koo’s and or associates, you may increase the chances of a poor outcome. Please read the items below and sign at the bottom of the form. Do not sign this form or agree to treatment until you have read, understood and accepted each item carefully. Be certain your dentist has addressed all of your concerns to your satisfaction before commencing treatment.
During your course of treatment the following care may be provided to you:
- EXAMINATIONS AND X-RAYS Radiographs are required to complete your examination, diagnosis and treatment plan. A periodic examination will be provided at all routine cleanings to evaluate your teeth for decay, gum disease, oral cancer and overall health. The dentist will read and diagnosis any x-rays taken. In the state of Texas a dental hygienist cannot diagnosis a patient.
- DENTAL PROPHYLAXIS (CLEANING) A routine dental prophylaxis involves the removal of plaque and calculus above the gum line and will not address gum infections below the gum line called periodontal disease. Some bleeding after a cleaning can occur, however, should it persist and if it is severe in nature the office should be contacted.
- PERIODONTAL TREATMENT Periodontal disease is an infection causing gum inflammation and/or bone loss that can lead to tooth loss. At times when a routine cleaning is schedule the dental hygienist and dentist may discover periodontal disease is present in all or certain areas of your mouth. If you present with an infection during your routine cleaning appointment it may be necessary for more extensive treatment to be performed. The dental hygienist will stop the routine cleaning and explain to you alternative treatment plans including nonsurgical cleaning below the gum line, placement of an antibiotic below the gum line or a gross debridement (two part cleaning). If further treatment such as gum surgery and/or extractions are necessary a comprehensive periodontal exam will be scheduled with our dentist. The success of any periodontal treatment depends in part on your efforts to brush and floss daily, receive regular cleanings as directed, follow a healthy diet, avoid tobacco products and follow any other recommendations. Some bleeding after deep cleanings or scaling under the gum line can occur, however, should it persist and if it is severe in nature the office should be contacted. Untreated periodontal disease may have a future adverse effect on the long-term success of dental restoration work.
Changes in Treatment Plan
I understand that during treatment it may be necessary to change or add procedures because of conditions found while working on the teeth that were not discovered during examination. The most common being root canal therapy following routine restorative procedures. I give my permission to the dentist to make any/all changes and additions as necessary.
I have informed New Bite Dentistry & Orthodontics of any known allergies I may have. I understand that antibiotics, analgesics and other medications can cause allergic reactions causing redness and swelling of tissues; pain, itching, vomiting and/or anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction). They may cause drowsiness, lack of awareness and coordination which can be increased by the use of alcohol or other drugs.
I understand and fully agree not to operate any vehicle or hazardous device for at least 12 hours or until fully recovered from the effects of the anesthetic or medication that may have been given to me in the office for my care. I understand that failure to take medications prescribed to me as directed may offer risks of continued or aggravated infection, pain or a negative result on the outcome of my treatment. I understand that antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives (birth control pills).
I have read each paragraph above and consent to recommended treatment as needed. I understand the anticipated benefits and
commonly known risks and complications of each procedure.