FINANCIAL POLICY: A minimum deposit of one-half of the total tuition is required at registration. The remainder is due by the semester drop date. Any student who must be billed for tuition will be charged a carrying charge of $5.00 per month, or any part of a month. Payment plans are available for students who need them, particularly students registering for more than one class.
To officially drop a class, the student (or parent) must submit a signed withdrawal slip to the office on or before the drop date, or 2 weeks from registration, whichever is later. This applies to both full semester students and those who register for multiple single classes. The $25.00 registration fee, insurance fee and a charge for each class which has met will be deducted from the amount paid, and the remainer will be issued as a refund or a credit.
Any student who does not officially withdraw from class by the drop date is financially responsible for the full amount of tuition registered, whether classes are attended or not.